Vision :

Empowering the future, our Child Rights Club envisions a world where every child’s rights are recognized, respected, and protected, ensuring their holistic development in a safe and nurturing environment.

Mission :

Our mission is to Educate, Advocate, and Act collaboratively to uphold and promote the rights of children. Through awareness campaigns, community engagement, and partnerships, we strive to create a society where every child thrives, free from discrimination, exploitation, and violence. Together, we champion the cause of children’s rights, fostering a future of equality, compassion, and opportunities for all.

Objectives :

To Educate children, youth and the community about the rights of children as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
To organize awareness campaigns, workshops, and seminars to disseminate information on child rights.

Outcome :

Members gain a deeper understanding of children’s rights as outlined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and national laws. They become advocates for these rights within their communities.

Name of Members :

  • Ms. Janani KP Vice President ,M.Sc Counseling Psychology
  • Mrs. Pavithra RMB.Voc Travel & Tourism

Name of student co-ordinators :

  • Shaazia, Bsc Psychology

Drawing and writing competitions were conducted for SDNB Vaishnav college students.