
To create a sustainable future where every individual is empowered to protect and cherish our planet. Through education, advocacy, and hands-on initiatives, we strive to inspire a community dedicated to environmental stewardship and conservation, ensuring a healthier and greener world for generations to come.


Raising awareness about environmental issues among students and faculty through seminars and workshops.


Promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness,  the environ club organizes eco-friendly initiatives, tree planting drives and awareness campaigns.


Students were able to acquire experience using their acquired knowledge and skills in taking thoughtful, positive action towards the resolution of environmental issues and problems.

Name of Staff Members:

  • Dr. R. Siva, Dept of PBPBT(Aided)
  • Mrs. S.Anitha , BCA
  • Ms.K.P.Janani, M.Sc Counselling Psychology

Name of Student Co-ordinators:

  • Lekha Sree N(E22CA139), BCA(Secretary)
  • Kaviranjani.M(23CO143), Secretary)


Two invited talks, two competitions.