
Bringing awareness and realization to students about duties and responsibilities as citizens of India.


  • To spread awareness on consumer rights amongst all consumer segments to students.
  • To build a base of enlightened citizen customers as the foundation of future India and skills relating to consumer rights among our college students


Consumer Club enables the students to understand the fundamental rights of a citizen and makes him/her realize and learn the fundamental duties of a good citizen.


Students were nurtured to become responsible consumers and informed citizens who contribute positively to the economy and society.

Name of the Staff Members :

  • Mrs.A.Saranya,  Assistant Professor, of B.Com A&F(Vice President)
  • Dr.R.Indira,Assistant Professor, PG Department of Chemistry
  • Dr.K.ArulMeha PonRadha, Assistant Professor, Dept of PBBT (Aided)

Name of student Coordinators:

  • Shagana Devakumaran  B.Com A & F
  • Preethi Sree E, B.Com A & F


Special Guest Lecture has been organized.