
To create a platform for transforming the power of women’s voice and inspiring them to think forward ”


Focus on developing an effective sustainable vibrant network of students to maximize their potential towards effective decision making in their spheres for striving towards equal opportunities for development”


  • Empower and educate college women on their rights and opportunities through engaging workshops, discussions, and advocacy initiatives.
  • Foster a supportive community that champions gender equality, challenges stereotypes, and promotes women leadership both on campus and beyond.


  • Increased awareness and understanding club members about women rights issues, leading to active participation in advocacy efforts and community initiatives.
  • Enhanced leadership skills and confidence among college women enabling them to effect positive change in their academic, professional, and personal spheres.

Name of Staff Members: 

  • Dr.S.Saraswathi, Vice President  B.A History (Aided)
  • Dr.A.Nasima M.A HRM

Name of student Co-ordinators:

  • D.Dhanashree B.A History
  • Eshwari Bsc Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics(SFS)


Organized Invited talks on Women Rights