
  • To seek a mind that can think meaningfully, critically and significantly for the welfare of the individual and the society.
  • To grow one’s voice that can strongly express, contemplate and interpret ideas
  • To transform the lifestyle of the speaker and the listener through the varied ways of thinking, listening and speaking.


  • To provide students with debate activities that can improve critical thinking, research skills, analysis, advocacy, oral presentation and listening skills.
  • To encourage students to actively participate in public debates and host debate competitions
  • To offer inter-departmental and inter- collegiate debate competitions


  • To promote problem solving and innovative thinking.
  • To help students to build links between words and ideas that makes concepts more meaningful.
  • To provide experiences that improves cognitive and presentational skills.
  • To exercise creativity and implement different ways of perceiving and thinking.


  • Students developed their ability to express their thoughts and opinions through their active participation in oratorical competitions and essay writing competitions.
  • Students developed their reasoning skills, critical thinking and analytical ability to take on a better perspective of the world.

Name of Staff Members:

  • Dr. MAHESWARI , Vice-President) Assistant Professor, Dept. of Tamil (SFS)
  • Ms. SANTHANNA MARIA. I, Dept. of English (SFS)
  • Ms. SHANMUGI. G, Dept. of English (Shift I) (Aided)

Name of Student Co-ordinators:

  • SANTHIYA G, BA (His)

  • Two Oratorical Competitions
  • One Essay Writing Competition