DESIGNATION    : Assistant Professor

QUALIFICATION    : M.Com., M.Phil.,

Experience   : 8 years and 7 months

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S.No. Paper Title Institution Journal Name International/National ISSN/ISBN No. Date & year
1. Borrowing Cost A16 Madras Christian College (Autonomous) Proceedings International Conference on Sustainable innovations in Global business Scenario ISBN: 978-93-81006-15-3 14th &15th September 2011
2. Foreign Direct Investment(in Aviation Sector) The New College (Autonomous)   National Seminar on- FDI in India- Issues & Challenges ISBN: 81-88023-11-6 8th& 9th February 2012
3. Credit card-An Innovative Instrument     ——— International Research Journal of Commerce COMMERCE TIMES International Research ISSN: 2320-9461 May 2014
4. Crypto currency and Bitcoins-An Emerging Digital Money Sri Kanyakaparameswari   Arts & Science college for women, Chennai – 600 001. UGC approved International Journal of Research & Analytical Reviews (IJRAR)   International Conference on Emerging Dynamics of commerce in global scenario E-ISSN:2348-1269, P-ISSN:2349-5138, Volume: 5, Issue:3 23rd August 2018
5. Role of Banks in Cashless Economy Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science (Autonomous) Coimbatore – 641 006. Research Review Journals ICSSR ICSSR sponsored National Seminar Financial Inclusion-Reach the Unreached (UGC listed Journal) eISSN: 2455-3085, Impact factor: 4.184 27th September 2018
6. Digital Asset- A Boon to Business World University of Madras, Chennai – 600 005. An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal National Conference on Digital Economy: Business opportunities and challenges ISSN: 2277-5730, Volume.VIII, Issue.1 Jan-March 2019, Impact fact 5.5 10th January 2019


S.No. Paper Title Institution Journal Name International/National ISSN/ISBN No. Date & year
1.. Credit card usage –An Evolutionary Approach “BEST PAPER” Madras Christian College (Autonomous) International Journal of Contemporary Commerce International Conference on Creativity & Innovation in Business ISSN:2319-958X Volume:3, Issue:1 17th & 18th September 2014
2. Enlightened Leadership Service, not position “BEST PAPER” ShrimathiDevkunvarNanalal Bhatt Vaishnav college for women, Chennai – 600 044.   International Conference on Energising leadership leading Business through passion for people ISBN: 978-81-937382-5-2 13th March 2019