S.No | Patent ID | Title of the Invention | Inventors | Department | Publication date | Certificate of grant | Download |
1 | 202241041929 | Enhancing The Communication Skills Of Learners With Visually Impaired, Hearing Impaired And ADHD Students Through Mobile Assisted Language Learning | Dr.N.Priya (Staff) Dr.M.Mahadevi (Staff) Kamala.C(Student) Preyanga.R (Student) | M.Sc Computer Science | 29/07/2022 | India | P01 |
2 | 202241041930 | Design And Implementation Of Three Layered EBC Protocol For Secure Data Transfer In Enthree | Dr.N.Priya (Staff) Dr.M.Mahadevi (Staff) Swetha E (Student) Saranya S(Student) Sripriya N (Student) | M.Sc Computer Science | 29/07/2022 | India | P02 |
3 | 202241039231 | A Novel Feature selection approach to classify breast cancer drug using optimized Grey Wolf Algorithm | G. Shobana (Research Scholar) Dr.N. Priya (Staff) | Computer Science | 15/07/2022 | India | P03 |
4 | 202241038973 | Prediction of Learning Disability of the Children using Adaptive Effective Feature Engineering Techniques | C. Radhika (Research Scholar) Dr.N.Priya(Staff) | Computer Science | 15/07/2022 | India | P04 |
5 | 2021104534 | A System and Method for analysing Tamil tweets into Positive and Negative Sentiment | S. Rajeshwari (Research Scholar) | Computer Science | 05-05-2022 | Australia | P05 |