International commission on Education for the 21st century have identified various tensions and crisis of the modern society and suggested four pillars to be constructed for strengthening the education system. These pillars are learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together and learning to be. At Vaishnav these four pillars are strengthened by providing scientific, technological and human value skills. Human skills are developed by practising simplified physical exercises, meditation and introspection as per “The World Community Service Centre” Thiruvanmaiyur, Chennai guidelines. “Vaishnav College SKY Yoga” functions as the sub-centre of Alandur SKY Yoga Trust

Students are trained in physical exercises, kaya kalpa exercises and meditation practices during the I year degree course. Introspection practices like analysis of thought, moralization of desire, neutralisation of anger, eradication of worries and realization of self are taught during the III year degree course.

Yoga classes conducted in our college aim at developing harmony between body, mind and life force of our students. These classes would help our students to lead a healthy, happy and prosperous life. In fact it will have an everlasting effect on the minds of the students and they would continue to practice the art of yoga and meditation regularly which will have an impact through-out their life time.

1. Day 1 :  Method of Relaxation

2. Day 2 : How to meditate? For beginners

3. Day 3 :  Guided Prayer